I haven't really written anything in here that is just a normal blog entry. Just memories, thoughts, concerns, growing up etc. I guess that's okay. I wasn't sure what I was supposed to post as if there were a set of rules for blogging. In one of the alcathon meetings I attended over Christmas, one guy was listing his assets, published author, minister, world wide blogger, etc. I realized that with my first post I too am a world wide blogger! Hello world. Now how do I get my messages out? Because my message is important. How to be a man. How to develop those retarded childhood remnants into positive life experiences. Yes, listen to me because I have the answers today. Yes, it took 59 years to observe, fuck up, break down, fire up, play out and finally shut up and listen but I have the directions. You just let go of the past. Add it all up, take out the bad numbers, save the precious few and there you go....