Good morning. It’s been a bit since I’ve been bitten with the writing bug. Lots of stuff seems to be going on. I’m fighting a cholesterol battle with my doctor’s office. 3 months ago I checked in with a score of 230. 200 is the cutoff point so they were concerned. All the other markers were off as well, what should have been low was high and what should have been high was low. Too much sugar in my diet. Yuck. So I’ve been pounding down supplements and trying to eat different but I guess if you have a donut for breakfast dessert your numbers aren’t going to go in the direction you want them to go. Crap. Now I have to make a commitment to eat low carb, high fiber food for the next 3 months to see where the numbers end up. Yes, it’s a challenge, the gauntlet has been thrown down and I, being a man, will take this challenge, at least 85% or so. I gots to have some chocolate chip cookies sometimes. ...