It’s been a week since I’ve written. I feel I’ve hit a blank wall. Also I’m fighting something as I slept for 20 hours straight Sunday through Monday. Then another 12 hours Monday night. I’d say that’s a good nap time. That’s it. That’s all I have. I missed my therapy yesterday due to sleeping. Rats. That’s one on my highlights during the week. I could write my Dear Mom dead letter. That would drop jaws. I’ve thought about dropping that in here as a public service that you too can write dead letters. It’s a good way to move mountains out of your head and set the off down the road. Mom- This is a letter from you son, your son, a real human being that you birthed and threw out into the world. I say threw out because you were sick, emotionally unstable, narcissistic, angry, cruel and flat out mean. Your cruelty matched your intelligence which was unlimited. As an adult you had th...