I chaired a meeting yesterday morning at North Hall. It’s the LGBT meeting for Sacramento. I don’t know why you needed to know that. You need to know that it’s the first time that I’ve been there. It wasn’t too bad, about 13 or 14 people. Of course I don’t have a spiel lined up other than I wanted to talk about happiness. How my life has been shaped by happiness, the lack thereof, the pursuit, the moments that I mistook for happiness etc. I started by mentioning my mom’s lack of happiness and how it affected my pursuit of happiness. You see if she wasn’t happy, she took it out on us. In me it created a need to affect my mom so she was always happy. OH what a responsibility to be in charge of keeping mom happy. Nothing was predictable so she could go off in any moment and for any reason. It’s hard to keep control of the uncontrollable. And there are no perks for this job, I would get beaten wit...