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Showing posts from February 9, 2015

Day 58 The Monster In My Head

The stuff I’m writing about is what pops up in my mind when I put pen to paper.   Or finger to keyboard, I do it both ways.   So it must need attention or that it’s time for me to re-look at something.   When my 2 nd marriage broke up I had completely lost my shit.   I know I’ve mentioned this several times before but it was a phenomenal event.   It’s been 10+ years and it seems like I’m able to look at it with some sense of distance, a certain lack of emotional upheaval to see it from a different perspective.   It wasn’t just the marriage breaking up, it was the addition of Nicole to the mix, my state of sobriety, my role as a husband, dad, man that was all up in the air.   Literally, it was all up in the ether with no anchor whatsoever.   I’ve learned a lot since then.   I’ve read a lot, written a lot, had lots of therapy, been to a million AA meetings, done a lot of 12 Step Work, meditation (on and off, mostly off), maintained friendship...