My Poppy rose up every Daisy with a Cuppa Joe . " Chrysanthemum ! I Aster have my java hotter"! He Snappeddragon ed curtly. My Feverfew was blossoming but I wanted to beat that St James Wart off his face with my Goldenrod . Get my Foxgloves on and give him a couple Black-eyed Susans . " Begonia Poppy or you'll never see the light of a Sunflower again! I'm Impatiens with your seedy Painted Tongue . I Dahlia to Violet my personal space again." I Amarylli zed I was in a Red Hot Poker Scarlet Sage and had to breathe Baby Breaths to find that Sweet Alyssum Cosmos and get out of this Yarrow ing compost pile. "Oh you're such a Bleeding Heart Pansy . Why don't you grow a pair of Coral Bells to hide those Gayfeather Baby Blue Ey...