What has meditation done for me? Well the main thing is it has calmed me down. I don’t live by drama alone anymore. I find that I can observe events going on in my life before reacting and choose how I’m going to respond. I find the quiet time quite invigorating. I wish I could remember time as in how long I’ve been doing it but I can say that it has been at least a year since I’ve started doing it every day. It hasn’t help me keep up with my blogging though. But I care about my practice and I want to learn more about it each day. I am going to a Zen Buddhist meditation group every Sunday and I hang out with the Sangha and listen as I can. I do a 40 minute sit with the group and really enjoy the time. When I tried to meditate before I could only do about 2 or 3 minutes and give up fairly easily. Not so now. At home I do 25 minutes and feel good about that. Someday I will shoot for an hour just...