Rebuilding myself through Zen, therapy, sponsorship, DBT and willingness to do it. There are days when the overwhelmingness fatigues me to the point of endless irritability. Then there are days of non-stop gratitude for the distance I’ve covered and energy I have for the rest of the trip. Where did the passion come from this time? I don’t have a woman to impress. Well I just don’t have a woman. J That’s growth right there. “Don’t have a woman!” Even Firestone doesn’t contact me anymore. I would hear from her on my birthday but now after 29 years, no sir. I offer or cough up a little controversy and I’m out the door. A little moxie goes a long way. So what about that? My long standing unease of being manipulated into taking Trojan via dad proxy has turned into something untouchable. I’m not a dog person. Tried to do it. You know like trying marriage because it’s the righ...