I'm one of those unpopular people who believes it is my parents faults for all the shit that I've gone through as an adult. My mom, Chaos, and my dad, Kindly, did their best but they weren't raising hyenas, they were raising humans. However I am aware that it's my responsibility to find my way back to sanity with as little collateral damage as possible. I've always had that spark that kept saying it has to be better than this. With that said, I'm doing fantastically well today. I'm only living in 3 different worlds at one time instead of dying in a desperate dozen. I can make my life so complicated by my sensitive reactive responses to alleged snubs, hurts, misunderstandings, furtive glances. My daily goal is to set my ADHD mind free of pounding distractions. Dial down the sensory impulses and move into more quiet emotive sanctuaries. As a result of my many hospitalizations and diagnosis's I've been on a med regimen to stabilize the more...