I forgot my blog! I’ve been so busy with living life daily that I forgot about this. I’ve been riding my bike seriously (for me) and have been getting stronger daily because of it. My minimum is 20 miles if it’s recreation. I’ve gotten up to 37 miles but that’s about as long as I want to sit in a bicycle seat anyway. So I ride, come home and do stretches and think I should learn yoga. You see even when I’m doing well I still think I have to do gooder. Isn’t it enough that I’m riding, God? Or whoever is putting those thoughts in my head. I’m also not writing because I think I’m storied out. I have to remember that this is for my head and not primarily for entertainment. My nights are wasted watching TV but they’re good shows. Supernatural, The Walking Dead and Elementary. All the basic goodness of TV I’m keeping in my head before I drift off to bed. I’ve kept the drama at bay by leaving everything at t...