Ry came over last night and I related to him my current world of woe. Or rather the woe that is creeping around in my world. I’m woe-K, just some unsettled events that are speed bumps currently. He gave me good advice, solid advocacy and kind support. Thank you Ry. What I told him was the current status of my relationships with women. None. And it is okay mind you but I had embers burning and now it is all just swept up ash. My latest attraction hit a snag and I was a bit blindsided with jealousy and hurt and not sure how to react. I wanted to “sit with the pain” as that is a new standard that I’m adhering to but I realized I wasn’t sure how to do that. My first reaction was to not react and I did just that. I reacted of course in my mind but not to “her”. I called my sponsor and told him my feelings and asked questions about how to revel in rejection, how to celebrate my non-reactiveness, how do I sit with the pain. ...