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Day 16 Old Family Car

The rise and fall of the Peugeot 404.  It might not have been a 404, that’s what my memory is, er, wait, I’m getting a new image, it’s a 504.  Yep definitely a 504.  My dad bought it while on assignment in Germany so it was probably a 1972, brand new.  Some weird Air Force perk where you buy it through the Canadian PX and it is shipped to your address in Germany.  As a young teenager I had zero interest in cars.  Probably as a result of living on base in Germany I don’t know.  Cars and motorcycles were never much my thing anyway.  If it wasn’t rock and roll, alcohol, going to movies, thinking about kissing princesses or reading books I wasn’t interested.  But my dad seemed to be excited about this particular model and I admit it was a good looking car.  It had a midnight blue finish so that may be why to this day my cars almost always have the same paint job.  I don’t recall too much about this auto (pronounced OW-TOE in German) but I have a couple recollections that I will share.

When I was sixteen I had my first real psychotic break, ha ha, you knew it would somehow get around to being about me.  So soon though?  But it was true, I had a psychotic break and freaked my parents out.  They were just about done with me anyway as their kid as I was so far gone emotionally and spiritually.  I was caught up in a wicked drug habit, (no needles!), and my life had no room for parents hassling me.  Hassling me included looking at me, talking to me, talking at me anything at me.  One day though, playing the role of “normal” son I broke down and was out for the entire day.  Sobbing, snot sobbing, shivering, groaning and just about anything unusual that could have happened managed to happen that day.  Other symptoms were that  parts of my body were unresponsive to touch so you could literally stick a needle in my calf and I wouldn’t feel a thing.  My parents had no idea what to do or who to call so they did the normal right thing and called the flight surgeon.  With what they told him I somehow had an appointment made to the major hospital in Germany for US citizens based in Wiesbaden, a 2 ½ hour drive from home.  Trust me, the details are sketchy but I know I had to go there for 2 weeks for testing.

A couple of days later we pulled out of the driveway in the brand new Peugeot, my dad and I and we started to drive to the appointment in Wiesbaden .   I vaguely remember laying my head against the passenger window watching the odd foreign landscape whizz by with really no other thoughts on board.  Then I heard it.  We were on the Autobahn which every American coming or
wanting to come to Germany talks about wanting to drive on because it has no speed limit.  We settled in the next to the fast lane at a comfortable 95 miles per hours or because we’re in Germany,  152 kilometers per hour.  Actually if you were a local it was called 152 klicks, that was the cool way to say it.  If you said kilometers you were fresh off the plane or just plain square.  My dad called it klicks.   Anyway it was considered a safe cruising speed for the Autobahn.  152 klicks and I heard a whine coming from somewhere.  Actually it sounded like a controlled roar.  BoorrrrrrrrrrrRRRRRRRRRrrrrrrRRR.  I heard it but I didn’t see it.  I looked at my dad and he checked the rear view mirror as he was aware of the noise too.  Good on two fronts, 1, I wasn’t “hearing things” and 2, he was just as curious.  That car ride had somehow taken us out of the loop of dad and son.  We were just 2 guys cruising at 95, talking about little things, no cornering me or the other way around.  I remember chuckling at some of his jokes and it was nice.  My mind was so sore and it was a balm to know I could enjoy being a son without any drama.  Even if only for the moments it took to drive 250 klicks to some hospital.  I kept turning my head to follow the sound, where was it coming from?  Was it an aircraft?  There was nothing to see.  It was scary exciting because the more I looked the louder it got.  Dad was getting edgy until he pointed over his left shoulder.  He spotted it first.  It was a speck that was turning into a car coming from behind us in the fast lane.  Remember,  we were cruising at 152 klicks and this amazing machine of a car was approaching like a crazed zephyr.  BLAM it shot past us like a bullet and disappeared over the horizon in seconds.  We saw enough to know it was a Mercedes Benz sports car and it was brown.  Any other details and sorry, no luck as the speed it blew by us was fucking remarkable.  Remember earlier when I said I didn’t have any interest in cars?  Well a little baby was born that afternoon seeing that controlled fury flying like a banshee out of nowhere and into nowhere.  We were both kind of shocked that we witnessed something so unthinkable.  It was like we were standing still the way that car blasted past.  You may see cars on a racetrack or on TV but to witness it from 3 feet away is a power onto its
own.  I forgot for a minute where we were heading and even when catching up with that fact I was still strangely happy.  It was like we were in a different world for that moment and all the rules were different.  My dad, the jet pilot, maybe having his thoughts of his own airborne speeds imagining them on the ground.  I just couldn’t bear to think what would happen if the guy hit a pothole.  It really rocked my world as up to then, things were always a certain way.  Rules were meant to be broken, yeah, but obliterated?  Wow.  I thought that maybe my brain had rocked its speed limit too that day it broke.  I didn’t see the mental limit signs and had made up my own rules.  I smashed the law that day and it was roaring, unbelievable, unseeing and unknowing.   I didn't know that I was on my way too many future potholes at far greater speeds.  But if I dreamt of myself as a Mercedes Benz sports car I just didn’t think I would have the capacity to care.


1.        I’m grateful that that Peugeot was built for safety because future accidents happened that only that car could have saved us.

2.       I’m grateful that today I respect the speed limits, in reality and emotionally.

3.       I’m grateful that I had those precious moments with my dad not hating him, just being me and him.


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