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Day 7 I Missed the Party

My first blog straight from the keyboard to you.  I chaired 2 meetings these past 2 days.  A nooner yesterday and the 830 morning meeting today.  I chaired them.  Wow.  It wasn't that long ago when I would pass if I was just selected to speak.  If I did speak, it was a bit rambly, (understatement) fidgeting the entire team and most likely, completely off topic.  I'm not breaking into new ground into Toastmasters but I felt comfortable both times and had intent.  I introduced my topic (well sort of), kept on point and wrapped it up with a decent sensible ending.  I can truly say I'm proud of the growth that I've experienced this past year and pray that I will stay with the flow.

My topics were forgiveness and I heard some wonderful responses from the crowd.  The unruly but darling crowd.  I have the feeling that these are my people and that is good.  I respect the thunder from AA and realize that what I get from AA is just what I get.  They don't owe me anything.  In spite of that they have given me much.  The grace that has driven me to "Keep Coming Back" has dramatically increased my odds of sticking around long enough to feel and enjoy the miracle of living life on life's term.  I don't want to sound like a commercial but if I can say that about AA and if you know me, then you know I've come a long way.

My kill headaches have returned so it's turned into a night of staying home watching TV.  The bonus is Winnow dropping by to do some of her studying.  Stirring the oatmeal kind of stuff for us tonight.  And I love every second of it.  Keep it simple, pet the cat, find of few minutes of me time and your day can only get better.

So I'm getting a little insight on what blogging is.  It is whatever I want it to be.  I'm not trying to impress and break into sitcom writing.  Well if something comes up in the direction I'll hire an agent.  But I want to write.  More than I want to talk about wanting to write.  It's a step and I'm sure I'll make mistakes, write dribble or forget for a few days here and there.  The discipline is my objective.  The writing as a master my ideal and the life and times of Pher as an ethereal muse. I get hung up on how much or how little but in the end I guess it's just doing it.

With that I had a great day.  My meditation meeting in the morning and the 830 following. Good way to start the day.  People talked to me after the meeting, shook my hand and gave me a sprinkling of compliments.  Very nice.  I came home and pulled out the little foster kitty that is visiting for a few days and checked in with her.  Still traumatized but the forced petting annoyance exercise may have elicited a purr or two.  Nothing so bold as to wake the neighbors but I'm pretty sure I could hear something purry coming my way.  Off to Cleopatra's for our Saturday mornings together.  I needed to maintain my cribbage royalty but the cards are not coming my way.  Next time Cleopatra, yes I'll Cheops you to bits.  Then we cleared the table  and started on a jigsaw puzzle.  Not sure that was the best treatment for my headache but the time spent with my sister was great.  We both have ukuleles now and a vast crowd of YouTube instructors to teach us, strum down down down, down up down, down up down.  It was interesting and noisy.  I think my first recital would actually be tuning and tuning.  I kept forgetting the names of the strings.  Each Chef Eats A Lot.  Each Chef Eats A lot.  Wait, no, there's no two E strings! Great Chef's Eat A lot.  Yeah that's the one.  So it's a challenge but I will be plinking away soon and maybe be singing a song or two.  Ha ha Ha!  Plugging into the creative juice box and seeing what I can pull out.

1.  I'm grateful that I'm not sitting idle with my life anymore.
2.  I'm grateful that my sister is willing to put up with my loving strangeness.
3.  I'm grateful that my guardian angels have loved and protected my unconditionally all these years!


  1. I like blogs about your sister. She's awesome.

    I'm really, really, really glad you didn't go to the party and laid low. and i'm glad Winnow came by for just a hangout-and-do-her-own-thing-but-at-your-house night. and i'm glad we've both committed to changing. Lord knows you needed to.

    (just trying to help you in sitcom stats)

  2. Just wanted you to know that I stopped by. Of course the short story format is very different from the blog format, but after reading your blog, I am interested. BTW, I wrote a chapbook about how to write short stories here:


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