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Day 54 The Love Potion

And then I met Nicole.  What an ending.  What a beginning.  My life was spiraling completely out of control emotionally and this near angel of mercy stepped in and everything stopped spinning.  The pain of living stopped for a moment and I was able to transport myself back to reality.  Well reality in this case was pretty subjective.  I was a king with no queen, my kingdom was dying, pestilence, rioting, strife, and unrest was a typical day in my head.  My mental wound languished and I suffered greatly.  My wife was cheating on me and treating me like a battered child at home.  I’d make it to work and Nicole would say the kindest things to me.  It was textbook end game, end of days, death of one queen, and hail to the new one.  This period in my life is pretty spotty and I have to rely on rumors mostly to fill in the blanks.

My wife and I were trying to make a go of it but it all depended on her decision.  Hers.  I was an afterthought.  We made a commitment to see this specialist therapist for six months to work it out between us.  I was gung ho about it and she told me later that she made the decision to do it by one millimeter.  A nickel’s width is bigger than that.  So for 5¢ my marriage had a chance.  At that price every day was a struggle.  In fact the commitment lasted only 2 months.  I felt like I was being monitored and if I said one thing wrong it would bring out a harangue that was far worse than the crime I was accused of.  I was tired.  I wanted my queen, my princess, my lover back.  I didn’t want my “mom” cursing me because I didn’t meet some abstract standard constantly.  There was no magic and I was in a place so off planet that magic was truly the only thing that could save us.

During this fallow period I pondered everything about my life.  What happened?  I had been in love with Nan for so long, 10 years or more.  How could I have missed so many red flags? I guess when I asked her to marry me and then when we talked about setting a date she always hedged I should have seen that red flag.  Her best friend finally talked her into marrying me.  In all the actual marriage lasted 14 months.  So much for soul mate 2.  I didn’t understand at a very basic level why she married me.  Was is pity?  Was it duty?  In a state of unbelievable agony I started to understand that it couldn’t have been out of love.  Because what is love at this point?  I thought it was love for her that I wanted to share the rest of my life with her.  But did I know any more about love than her?  Did I know anything about love at all?  My whole life as a lover of many stranded maidens, lonely princesses, helpless women in need, love ballads, love poems, romantic tales of wonder and awe, I didn’t know about love?  I thought I could ride in on my white horse and whisk them away from danger and by that act alone I was due rightful love forever.  I guess I got hung up on the word as a grand noun only and not a true feeling.  I understand compromise, surrender, settling, yeah I get all of that.  But it’s a two way street.  Right?  What I didn’t understand was where the borders for those actions stopped.  How much of myself did I have to give up?  What was the payoff?  Peace?  Her hole not making any negative noises about me was the reward?  I felt like a puppy dog hovering for a crumb of comfort.

One night, Nicole got into a terrible car accident and nearly lost her life.  I was stunned, hurt and frightened but could not seek comfort from anyone because, hey, I’m married.  I merely told Nan that a good friend of mine from work was injured in an accident and it was pretty heinous.  I monitored her from work and was able to see her in the hospital a couple to times.  She had suffered head and brain trauma and it’s all guess work how much damage would eventually manifest.  10 days later she called me on my cell phone.  She remembered my number from memory!  I was at home with the wife and kids and took the call out in the back yard.  It was a chummy conversation as if I was talking to a friend I cared about and nothing more than that.  I was excited that her memory was intact and felt like I was walking on air after the call.  It was the best I felt at home in a long time.

“I heard the whole conversation!  Do you think I’m an idiot?” Nan shrieked when I got in the house.  She had stationed herself by the back window to strain to hear who I was talking to and what I was saying.

“I told you about Nicole’s accident and she called me from the hospital!  It’s great that she remembered something, it means she won’t have permanent damage!”  I missed the point of Nan’s stance.  Probably purposefully as I didn’t want the bitch to ruin what feeling I hadn’t felt in a long time.  “Stop Nan, I didn’t say anything bad.”

“No I heard you I know what’s going on.” She went on in this conspiracy where there was a bit of truth but I didn’t care at this point.   I was beat up and walked on eggshells in my home for so long she could go fuck herself with her paranoid thoughts of my romance of an almost vegetable in the hospital.  And in fact she did go on, another verbal taunting of my inadequacies, my infidelity, my inattention, my breathing in her direction.  I know there’s always 2 sides to every story but my side is the true side.  J During her tirade I had an epiphany.  My mind was quiet and strangely everything coming out of her mouth was silent.  I didn’t hear a word she said.  Everything went faint and I knew an IMPORTANT EVENT was on the verge of happening.  I felt like I was in a fugue, I looked down at my wedding ring, fingered it and twirled it slowly around my finger.  I looked back up at Nan and told her a lie.

“Yes I’ve been having an affair with Nicole.  It’s been going on for months and I was deathly afraid I lost her.  So you can understand why I’m so happy that she’s okay Nan.  Can you understand that?  I think I’m in love with her and I don’t want to lose her now.”  I spoke with someone else’s voice from a place far away from the inside of my head.  It just seemed like the right thing to do. 

Nan was bug-eyed, stunned, and tears started welling up in her eyes.  Ok, maybe it wasn’t the best thing to have said but I was setting us both free.  I was acting out of mercy for both of us.  I wasn’t having an affair with Nicole but my heart was willing and that may be as bad as the real thing.  Nan wrenched her ring off of her finger and told me to shove it so far up my ass so that it never sees the light of day again.  I agreed like a dumb ass.

You see I was bitten by the hydra for so long and now I was smitten by a princess outside of my castle that I had no grip on reality.  It was like drinking a love potion.  The world it opened was rare, precious, wonderful and beautiful.  It was a part of myself that I have long needed to connect with.  It was a part of my dreams as a kid manifesting for the first time in my life.  I felt like I understood what love was.  I understood that it was something that I had never had.  Ever.  It was my due as a child but was never the less withheld for no other reason than being born in the wrong family.  I felt I deserved a special dispensation for my discovery.  Don’t you understand Nan, I have found love and it isn’t with you.  I was drunk with a new passion that I had not felt in ages.  It was a power that was so awesome I lost my bearing on the actual planet Earth.  But I was in the real world and my consequences were being meted out.  I lost that marriage.  I gave it up for love, the other world of love that one can only dream about or that I could only dream about.  In fact it was the world I’ve dreamt about since I was able to read, to listen to rock songs to, to play air guitar to the blues as a pre-teenager.  I was answering now to that world.  I stepped over and embraced it.  I gave into a passion that could alter the course of solar systems.

In the real world, Nan was crying, sitting on the ground with her arms around her daughter, Hannah.  Hannah looked frightened as she was seeing an IMPORTANT EVENT for the first time.  I saw this.  I looked at this.  I knew I should have felt pity or an overwhelming sense of sadness but I would not.  I could not.  Not anymore, I was king again and I went into my room, gathered some items and deliberately walked out of the house without saying another word.  I couldn’t.  I had nowhere to go and I didn’t let an earthly fact like that stop me.  I drank the potion and now it was up to the gods to determine my future.  I let go of reality that day and my mind became the playground for the gods, goddesses, dragons and all the other little deities that demanded their time.  Surprisingly they spent a lot of ungodly time in there.

1.       I’m grateful that the playground is open to mortals only today.

2.       I’m grateful that the marriage ended when it did, it would have gotten worse.

3.       I’m grateful that I don’t belive in potions anymore.


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