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Day 58 The Monster In My Head

The stuff I’m writing about is what pops up in my mind when I put pen to paper.  Or finger to keyboard, I do it both ways.  So it must need attention or that it’s time for me to re-look at something.  When my 2nd marriage broke up I had completely lost my shit.  I know I’ve mentioned this several times before but it was a phenomenal event.  It’s been 10+ years and it seems like I’m able to look at it with some sense of distance, a certain lack of emotional upheaval to see it from a different perspective.  It wasn’t just the marriage breaking up, it was the addition of Nicole to the mix, my state of sobriety, my role as a husband, dad, man that was all up in the air.  Literally, it was all up in the ether with no anchor whatsoever.  I’ve learned a lot since then.  I’ve read a lot, written a lot, had lots of therapy, been to a million AA meetings, done a lot of 12 Step Work, meditation (on and off, mostly off), maintained friendships with some, let go of others etc.  I have discovered some universal truths that have settled some local truths for me.

These truths ultimately deal with my psyche, with which wounded soul that I have brought in and out of so many battles through my life.  It hasn’t been a smooth transition.  Grace and forward progress has been a challenge.  I’ve had to rebuild literally from stone 1.  A pebble at a time.  Part of that process was the need to discover the meaning of my life.  My emotional, spiritual life.  From which I’ve never had good luck in figuring out anyway.  Christ, does anyone?  It's the popular rage of the day I guess, but it has really walloped me since I've been in elementary school.  What does it mean to have Chris on this planet?  What does it mean to be a man named Chris?  What kind of relationship am I supposed to be in with somebody?  And what am I supposed to do or who am I supposed to be in that relationship?  Since a kid I’ve always thought it was a natural thing to have a girlfriend/wife.  I’ve now had 2 wives which on the surface signifies pretty IMPORTANT RELATIONSHIPS.  Each one was who what I thought was my soul mate.  Soul mate.  Now there’s two words that have no basis for survival in this world.  What is a soul mate anyway?  Is it some psychological tool to convince myself that I have actually picked the right person for my partner?  What is the right person?  Arrghh!!! I’m getting too granular, the normal spin of my brain is finding its way on this paper.  This is my ADHD mind which I’ve grudgingly accepted as my normal mind.  And thank you for your patience bearing  that in mind.

So what I’ve learned is the role or alleged role of masculinity rides shotgun in my head whether I’m conscious of it or not.  A patriarchal state of mind part of which demands control, territory, unreasonable demands for your time, an out of control ego.  I demand that the projection of woman, as anima, as unconscious divine balance for the interior of my mind, is projected on flesh and I expect that woman to act out as the queen of my inner mind.  I blow away all chances of peace, of happiness when I expect the unobtainable through a heady projection that I barely understand that well myself.  No woman can play that role on a permanent basis.  The vacuum of love in my childhood set this up for my adulthood.  Never having a proper role model and never having put into words with either parent or any responsible adult, this is all nether world stuff.  It appears at the edges of my conscious but never with any substance to pick at, to look at, and to understand.  If she’s friendly, says yes, kisses me then I’m hooked.  I’m convinced I’ve found the one and I start planning immediately the path of our future.  It’s ridiculous I know. 

No matter how old you are, you still plan the wedding, the home, the pets (ugh, not dogs this time I hope).  You digress back to the child getting the first taste of unconditional love because you don’t know what it really feels like so it must feel like this.  You mistake that flush for love and whatever world you’ve ascertained to love is now all there in your hands.  Never mind you don’t have a clue as to your true role; that comes with the territory.  It’s just supposed to happen.  Basically I’m just a kid when it comes to long term relationships.  I’m romantic, funny, intelligent all the good stuff on the outside, but when it comes to pure sentimentality, true reason for our union, I couldn’t tell you with any words, couldn’t put it into a rational mold that would hold up to any amount of time or scrutiny. 

I’ve since been diagnosed with Bipolar 1 and 2, Borderline Personality Disorder and other mental illnesses.  It is mental du jour; how you’re doing when the psychiatrist gets ahold of you.  I don’t know how it has affected me but apparently it’s been on board for a long time so I can say that it has been a monster eating up valuable relationships at one point or another.  I’ve been on their meds since the 2nd marriage and am not sure how helpful that that has been consistently.  I don’t know what was worse, the cure or the disease.  Regardless, I have the diagnosis and it’s a permanent rider on this journey with me.  With all the discoveries I have been making I always have to make accommodations for it as well.  “Yes a table for 3, me, my dame and my monster.”  When I read the books that talk about the psyche, the soul, there isn’t much for the addition of the mental illness.  In fact I have found none.  But it’s not like that’s unacceptable because my whole life has been dominated by guesswork anyway.   Sometimes I feel like I’m on the precipice of understanding, I’m really getting it and never really see that little dot on the horizon.  The dot that gets bigger when I put what I’ve learned into practice.  Then when an end comes, which they always do, I find that I’m crushed under the train sized “dot” bleeding out questions, why’s, what happened this time.  I thought I figured it out.  Maybe it’s just something you can’t figure out.  If that piece of the puzzle was never in the box, (my pet peeve in the hospital), you can’t craft it out of books and therapy.  Especially with the monster in your head, it just doesn’t want to enter.  If it does, it’s only a quick inspection and then whoosh, out the back door.  Action and events, reaction and events, that’s how my life runs.  I doubt that this default will ever change.  I can put window dressing on it and play pretty for a while, but the ugly truth is that the damage done is DNA in my head today.  This doesn’t mean I will quit trying, far from it.  Next time I will do more, I will do all that I can to keep the monster preoccupied while I think.  Yes think, not guess.  I’ll make plans that go no further than the day at hand. I’ll discover that happiness is what is happening and not a future event to detail.  I’ll keep the faith in my angels, that their grace will be all that I need and that they know the happiness I’ll grow too will be in my future.

1.        I’m grateful for my bipolar, that it is in essence, my super power.

2.        I’m grateful for my guardian angels, Treater and Axe, they never relent in their care for me.

3.        I’m grateful that I always try.


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