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Day 72 Headache Blues

I haven’t written an entry for a week so let’ see where I’m at.  I just got off the phone with my “neurologist”.  I didn’t like my first choice that I was given and this new doctor was my 2nd choice.  Actually I didn’t get either of my choices because they’re not in my medical group.  My new doctor, Dr Sheikh, is completely insane.  When I went in the first time I had to wait 45 minutes past my apt. time even though there were no patients in the office!  She was scolding her staff for not running the office the way they should be running an office.  It reminded me of a family business which isn’t bad but don’t beat the laundry in front of the customers.  As it was, I didn’t get to see her, I saw her nurse practitioner.  Nuts.  I want my 7 month old headache taken care of by a doctor.  I apologize to nurses everywhere as I mean no disrespect.  I feel at this stage I need a neurologist that is trained specifically for this area to treat me properly.  I talked to “Jody” for 40 minutes and I asked her if she had neurological experience and she honestly said no but since she was a nurse she could order any tests, prescribe any med, etc.  So a shotgun approach.  She did order me a couple of tests, an MRA (a view of the blood vessels of my brain) and a CT Scan of my neck.

I had the distinct feeling that she just didn’t fit in with the family atmosphere that they were trying to maintain in that office.  When I called today to follow up with my scans I was told that Jody is not with the office anymore.  So much for my tests.  Jody also gave me some Inderal samples for my speeding heart rate and I was calling more to get a prescription filled since I’m running out.  I have 6 days left at home.  Well, Dr. Sheikh says that they don’t have samples of that medicine which is funny because I have and have gone through bottles of it that I got from them.  The soonest I can see her is March 6th.  My friend is researching now how I can taper off safely from Inderal because I will run out before I see the doctor again.  I just want a real doctor and I want real help.

I’m seeing an acupuncturist and I have much more faith in her care that I do with the medical care field.  I’ve tried massage for the headache and it provides 0 comfort.  I’ll walk out with the same degree of headache as I went in.  Acupuncture seems to blanket the acute pain but it doesn’t get rid of the headache entirely.  It’s been a constant companion since the 1st of July.  That’s disconcerting!  It is.  To have a headache for 7 months that doesn’t go away is something to worry about.  I’ve had an MRI and it shows no abnormal chunks of meat that would cause this so there is something going on in my body that keeps poking that part of my brain, fucking with it.

The nurse practitioner gave me samples of Inderal, 80 mg which is a high initial dose.  It slows your heart rate and blood pressure down and has been known to help patients with migraines.  I don’t have migraines but I’m at the point where I’ll try anything to stop this pain.  Well you can’t stop them cold turkey and I’m in the doctor scramble now to see if I can get enough to taper off of them properly so I don’t have a heart attack or some other issue that I didn’t bargain for.  I’m trying to call Sutter and am in a holding pattern to see a neurologist as a second opinion consultant.  Good luck with that Shirley.


1.       I’m grateful that I have good benefits and this will all work out.

2.       I’m grateful I saw my good friend, Nolan, Saturday.

3.       I’m grateful for my beautiful new washer and dryers!


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