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Day 85 Sunday after Grimm

I’m waiting for my friend to pick me up today for dinner and then meditation.  What a date, eh?  A dinner and a sit.  But that’s how we role when we roll into our 60’s.  Not bad really.  He’s my friend, Duke that I mentioned in an earlier post.  My friend that was there when I fell down the rabbit hole of bipolar illness.  He’s my Zen master and I’m his computer wizard so all in all we get along pretty well.  Sitting home Sunday listening to Pink Floyd and Robin Trower.  Now those are names that bark back to the day.  In the not so distant past the free time would be killing me.  I need somebody to be with!  It’s part of that kineticness that I have, always moving, always spassing out like a ball in a pinball machine.  I’m not saying that pretty angels in a bad way, just the way it’s always been.  I’m a man of movement.  Whether in my head, my feet or my eyes.  Just can’t stay still.  If I don’t feel like I’m part cranked on a movement of speed than I think something’s wrong.  My casket will have to have rubber bumpers just in case I still get the opportunity to groove down there.  Ha ha.  I want to be ashes really so we won’t have to worry about that.

My left ring finger is wrapped up to my middle finger because of the bike accident Friday.  I’m not sure what I did but I played doctor and recognized the need to make it not move so much.  So I’m four fingered Freddie on the keys today. 
It’s funky but I’m getting the hang of it.  Speaking of that brush with a shitty death I bought a new bike yesterday.  Yes, my bravery will not be stifled by the rank and file stupidity of drivers on the road, I will take to the streets again as soon as my new bike arrives.  Armed with the knowledge that I to am one of the stupid that drive the streets I will have to steel my nerves and think like them.  Stop at 4 way stop signs or at least slow down dude.  Bikers and drivers have such entitled attitudes when it comes to each other on the road.  I will squeeze a rider if he’s taking WAY too much of the road, especially if he’s a termite.  That’s my term for the riders that wear the ridiculous sponsor colored skin tight jammies.  They’re all over the bike paths screaming if you’re too slow.  Aw go fuck yourself, you know who you are.  And you get pissy with bikers on the streets too!  Anyway I have 6 lights for my bike so I will be a Christmas tree on the road in the morning.  They might take me out on purpose just to douse the flame that I look like, who knows.

It was feverish excitement that I went bike shopping yesterday afternoon with my friend Rick.  I looked online and had an idea of what bikes I’d like to look at but frankly if I have too many choices I start blanching and get a bit dizzy.  I decided to stay with the same brand of bike, Cannondale. 
I’m not the type of biker that would spend over a grand for any bike.  No, I know my style of riding. If I do ride, now, it’s just for commuting and it will 90% be on the street.  Unfortunately for that as I do love Sacramento’s bike trails.  We are so lucky to have such an asset.  So with the patience of a fireplug I picked out a bike and actually ordered it as they didn’t have it on the floor.  Rick really wanted to pick this one and for once I decided I would defer to my friend’s opinion.  It will be here in a week if what they say is true and I can’t wait!  It was weird test riding it in the parking lot with so many of the enemy just sitting there whispering silently, “I will be the next one to hit you sucker!”  Ugh.  This is what the next chapter of riding will look like.  It has a lighter body, no shocks and is designed for road and a bit of trail riding.  Perfect.  My ride to work is only 15 minutes but every minute counts, yeah?  2 or 3 days I try and I will try to ride the long way home which does entail the bike trails.  So I get to enjoy a bit of Sacramento culture while I’m battling the cholesterol buggies in my body.  Nice.

Speaking of an active life style I just finished and am proud to say I am caught up with all the episodes of Grimm.  Grimm .  Yeah it took a while as I forgot where I stopped watching in Season 3 but I bit the bullet and watched a couple of episodes again to catch up.  I’m telling you this show has it all for me.  Weirdness being number 1. 
Yeah, a lot of the episodes are corny but the back story is full of fire and had me swearing OUT LOUD at moments.  It takes place in Portland so it’s based appropriately.  I adore the characters and the line of the story.  My TV activities are epic when I get into a show.  Now that I’m caught up I feel like I’m caught up in a bit of depressive cipher as now, what am I going to do?  I can’t stand to worry how my favorite characters are going to survive the next supernatural calamity.  I’m going to have to trust that my new current friends will have the strength to watch me and carry me gently through any emotional outburst of , “No Juliette, being a hexan beast will kill Nick!  Be careful!”

Ok, I’ve blabbed enough today.  I don’t often write on the weekend and I don’t know why, it’s the perfect time for an old broke dick single guy to fire off his creative ballast.  Someone had written me on Facebook that reading my stuff made them laugh, cry, nod their head in recognition.  Wow!  That really touched me.  If I can meet you on common ground in what I write than I might be onto something here.  I just wanted to write to see if I could write anything that would be interesting for others to read.  Now I have a feeling that I can write a bit good and it’s turning into something that I enjoy considerably.  When I meditate in the morning I have ideas pop up that I want to write about.  I want to stop the mediation immediately and put it down.  However I realize I’m not on a dead line so I finish my sit and then start to work on an idea.  All of this stuff is coming straight out of my head, unedited or polished at all.  You can probably tell with a lot of the stories.  I’d like to write more short stories.  The one I wrote in here, Awktoberfest, fell under the TLDR category (too long, didn’t read).  Too bad.  I worked more on that story, edited it a couple of times but it still needs work.  It would be a treat to write stuff that would entertain and nudge laughs out of you most of the time.  For now though, I’ve just been writing that which I want banished from my head when I hit the magical 60.  So thank you for reading and I hope we have a nice history together in the future.  I have no idea why the comment section doesn’t work but the comments I receive through FB are working fine enough for me!  Have a great Sunday!

1.       I’m grateful I have 4 more fingers on my left hand that work today.

2.       I’m grateful that I followed Rick’s advice on what bike I purchased.

3.       I’m grateful that I’m excited to get my bike so I can feel the burn of riding soon!


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