Hi. It’s been a bit
since I’ve written anything. I feel so
energized with everything that’s been happening in my life lately. And it’s just life that’s been
happening. I still come to work every
day, I go home and make something to eat and then watch some TV. I have found time to meditate each day, a
good 21 – 22 minute sit. I’ve been
riding my bike to work most days and that is great. I talk to Ry and he’s come over a couple of
times to hang out with his old man.
Yeah, so its life, and I’m doing it and it feels great.
Ry turned me on to a TV show called Supernatural and I’ve
found the perfect addiction to satisfy my addiction center for now. It’s in its 10th season and I’ve
started with Season 1 and am slowly rolling through each episode. It’s not expanding the mind electric but it
does have a calming effect on my brain.
They’re brothers fighting the supernatural evil in the world, er, United
States and they stay sane for the most part.
Now my job sometimes I feel like I’m dealing with a devil or 2 but these
guys, it’s every day and they hold it together.
If they can do it then it’s certain that I can perform miracles on my
job as well.
I’ve been reading more Buddhism books, Carl Jung psychology
books and have had my mind expanded by virtue as a result. I’m getting to know my ego or at least why it
functions the way it does. I’ve been
exploring changing my world view and finding that it’s simply by choice and
persistence. Keeping my mind open and in
a positive non-unique stance and I’ve felt a slip of peace flowing in coloring
bits of my world differently. I tested
high on a cholesterol lab and I’ve had to change my eating patterns and the
sedentary parts of my normal routine. I’ve
kept up with that these past 4 months and I’m looking forward to the next lab
to see how it turns out. The riding, the
walking and even some push-ups (not much) have been consistent. I can say that I’m proud of myself for the
positive events happening in my life recently.
I haven’t given up to the addiction or the shadow of the warhorse. I believe in myself as being part of the
human race, not separated by the pain or victimhood of childhood anymore.
I went to the Sangha last night as there was a popular
circuit speaker attending and he gave a talk on meditation. He was explaining how meditation was our
consent to enter into death. To let go
so completely that it would be a death to our ego in a sense. Of course I’m not as articulate as he was but
I got it, I got what he was saying. In
meditation you are observing all of your thoughts and you get to a point where
you can let those thoughts go without resistance and it will be all right. You will be all right. You will still be yourself but with different
eyes and different feelings. I got it
and I dug it. It’s all coming down to
the good that I feel about myself and realizing that it’s only now that
counts. Who I was isn’t who I am.
1. I'm grateful for the insights that are unfolding in my mind.
2. I'm grateful that I have the health to ride a bike and walk miles around the parks.
3. I'm grateful for my son, his health and his friendship.
Gosh, I had no idea what you went through growing up in the shadow of the warhorse. Another friend of mine endured similar things, though it seems more of his mother's was verbal abuse, but verbal and physical can be equally damaging. Makes me wonder what is wrong with people. I'm happy for you that you stopped that wretched cycle with your own child. You can really be proud of that Chris.